Exhibitor Profile



For more than 25 years we have supplied our customers with cutting edge integrated telecommunication solutions. In protection and safety and security, we focus on comprehensive ICT systems in connection to technologies providing up-to-date information on security of selected premises, persons and technology, including mobile versions. For an intervention at the place of an extraordinary and emergency event, we are able to offer:

• Flexible deployment of sensing devices and sensors

• Monitoring of the perimeter, technologies and staff through GIS

• Connectivity with high operational reliability

• Certified as well as uncertified security solutions for wireless communication

• Monitoring of movements of persons and technology (while distinguishing between own and external) using RFID technologies

• May-Day systems for individuals in the intervention team

• Interconnection with databases of previously convicted persons and other risk persons or groups

• Comprehensive connectivity with cooperating emergency service units, operational centres and control centres of the emergency service units, and fast-track court procedures for

fast dealing with offences

• Data backup for the needs of an analysis of the intervention performance with further use e.g. in the training and teaching, administrative and legal proceedings, etc.