AIRBOSS DEFENSE GROUP was formed in January 2020 with the merger of AirBoss Defense, a global leader in Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) and Critical Solutions International, an industry leader that delivers best-in-class route clearance and counter-IED solutions. ADG further expanded in May 2021 when it merged with BlackBox Biometrics, the leader in sensor technology that instantly assesses forces that can cause traumatic brain injury. The company is also recognized for its rapidly deployable decontamination systems, patient isolation systems, and respiratory protection equipment
AirBoss Defense Group provides military, first responder, and healthcare communities worldwide with a growing and diverse product portfolio, and we pride ourselves on being a survivability solutions provider. We specialize in manufacturing products that have been developed from both established military specifications and independently through AirBoss R&D activities.The combined company includes over 330 employees in five North American locations and has customers in over 70 countries worldwide.
We Protect Those Who Protect Us.
The Military Technical Institute is a state-owned enterprise established by the Ministry of Defence of the Czech Republic on 1 September, 2012. It occupies a significant position in the defence sector mainly due to its high-quality technological base in defence and security research and development, as well as in aviation and air defence, ground forces, and armaments and ammunition.
Its primary capabilities include the implementation of research and development, prototype production, testing and certification, repairs, service and the modernization of armaments and technology, foreign military sales, systems integration, project management, and analysis processing for the Czech Army and other armed security forces and the integrated rescue system.
As part of its industrial and commercial activities, the Military Technical Institute contributes to ensuring the defence and security of the Czech Republic and fulfilling the obligations arising from the state’s membership in NATO and the EU.
The Military Technical Institute consists of three branches that specialise in air force and air defence, ground forces, and armaments and ammunition:
Vojenský technický ústav letectva a protivzdušné obrany (VTÚLaPVO)
Military Technical Institute of Air Force and Air Defence in Praha 9 – Kbely
Vojenský technický ústav pozemního vojska (VTÚPV)
Military Technical Institute of Ground Forces in Vyškov
Vojenský technický ústav výzbroje a munice (VTÚVM)
Military Technical Institute of Armaments and Ammunition in Slavičín