CNM Textil is a well established and equipped textile finishing mill located in the Czech republic. We specialize on technical and uniform woven fabrics such as Cotton/PES, Nylon-Cotton, Polyamide or polyester blends. End use is for army and police uniforms, caps, backpacks, guncovers and so on. We also have our own accredited laboratory and give protocols with each delivery.
Karrimor SF is a UK company with a long and successful history of designing and manufacturing load carriage solutions for demanding environments. The Karrimor SF brand enjoys a wide and loyal following globally in the outdoor community but is best known within the military and law enforcement.
As a leading global manufacturer of load carriage, Karrimor SF supplies a network of dealers and distributors as well as contracting directly with military, law enforcement and leading defence manufacturers worldwide. With a reputation for well designed, trusted and reliable products, Karrimor SF continues to demonstrate an enviable track record of supplying successful load carriage solutions designed for the modern war fighter and extreme adventurers alike.
LENZING™ FR blends for the military have been proven for many years, offering protection, comfort and durability. These blends are easy to print in camouflage prints with infrared properties that comply with demanding military specifications.
In challenging military actions, garments comprising LENZING™ FR fiber, reducing the risk of heat-stress and enhancing physiological performance.
NIXUS- shelter innovation company. Bringing innovations in the field of high-pressure tents, frame tents and expandable containers for the purpose of armed forces and firefighters
Již více než 15let vyrábíme a vyvíjíme inovativní balistickou ochranu jednotlivce. Veškeré naše výrobky jsou s hrdostí vyrobeny v České republice. Vlastníme taktéž užitné vzory na některé našich produktů.
Zastupujeme na území České republiky tyto exklusivní světové značky:
Ray Service, a.s., se sídlem ve Starém Městě, je mezinárodním inovativním výrobcem kabelových svazků, elektromechanických celků a elektronických zařízení. Je také distributorem a integrátorem kabelových komponent a systémů. Více než 25 let zkušeností a intenzivního vývoje vyústilo v silnou moderní společnost, která je spolehlivým a vyhledávaným partnerem na mezinárodní úrovni. Společnost získala prestižní ocenění Zaměstnavatel regionu 2019.
Sarena is a vertical factory with yarn dyeing, weaving, processing, printing, garmenting and laundering facilities installed within one perimeter. We specialize in workwear and technical textiles including military uniforms and accessories, Fire retardant articles and complete in house testing. The factory has numerous product and environmental certifications and is one of the top exporters of Pakistan since 2001.
Being faced with demanding operations means you expect only the best from your gear. Taiga develops military clothing and uniform systems for military's special forces operating under difficult conditions, everything from the scorching heat of the desert to the freezing rawness of the mountain range. Our clothing systems and proprietary camouflage gear meet the NIR and IRR requirements for military operations and help keep you dry, warm and secure, allowing you to focus on your mission, regardless of the elements.
TASMANIAN TIGER - Outfitter for the professionals
TASMANIAN TIGER is a German premium supplier of professional military and police equipment and exclusively manufactures products of first-class quality and functionality. The elaborate development work is always oriented towards the specific needs of the user.
In addition to technically sophisticated backpacks for different areas of use, TASMANIAN TIGER offers extensive equipment for tactical operations, for police missions as well as equipment for outdoor use.
All products are manufactured in the company's own SA8000-certified production facility, from prototype to ready-for-series production. The work processes - from material purchasing to production to final inspection - are precisely defined and are regularly checked by independent testing bodies according to international standards. Each product is checked before it leaves production and is given a serial number that is stored in a separate database. This ensures a consistently high standard of quality.